REST is great. But, most of the time, it is quite hard to think your web services architecture in a way that each WS is stateless. Let's think about a common use case.
If you have to design a personal data form and wish to ask the user to complete some fields such as the name
, the firstname
, the birthdate
, and two addresses with, for each, an addresse
, a city
, a zipcode
, and a country
Using Symfony and Doctrine, you will probably have to create 3 entities :
class User {
protected $id;
protected $name;
protected $firstname;
protected $birthdate;
// getters and setters
class Address {
protected $id;
protected $address;
protected $city;
protected $zipcode;
protected $country;
// getters and setters
class UserAddress {
protected $user;
protected $address;
// getters and setters
In that case, your database model will probably looks like that :
user | user_address | address |
id_user | id_user | id_adress |
name | id_address | address |
firstname | city | |
birthdate | zipcode | |
country |
Now, if you wish to strictly use REST standards, you would expose 2 WS :
And then, for each, populate your objects, check some rules such as the name is only composed of letters, using the Validator Symfony Component.
$user = new User();
$errors = $this->validator->validate($user);
if($errors) {
return new JsonResponse($user->id, 201);
$address = new Address();
$errors = $this->validator->validate($address);
if($errors) {
$user = $this->get('em')->getRepository()->findById($request->get('user_id'));
$userAddress = new UserAddress();
However, most of the time, this is probably not what you'll do. There are some reasons why :
A common way to avoid such problems is using the Symfony Form Builder. Then, you need to populate your form with the request data and test the Symfony validator method isValid()
on the form.
This is not a good way to deal with REST data validation.
I have just released a little bundle that provide a good solution to answer that kind of dilemma.
Instead of exposing 2 WS, we will only expose one. we will be able to send all datas as a Json object and validate the Json object instead of validate each domain object apart.
Here is what the Json object could looks like in our example :
"address":"36, Disney Road",
"address":"37, Mickey Road",
Then, we will validate all that object using the Symfony Parameter Bag and the Validator Component.
Let's try.
Using composer :
$ composer require seblegall/api-validator-bundle
Then, set up the bundle in your Symfony's AppKernel.php
file :
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
return array(
new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
// ...
new Seblegall\ApiValidatorBundle\ApiValidatorBundle(),
// ....
Finally, import the bundle routing by inserting those lines in the app/config/routing.yml
file :
resource: "@ApiValidatorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Once the bundle is installed, here is how to do so.
or ParameterBag
.You now should have something like that :
namespace MyBundles\Api;
use Seblegall\ApiValidatorBundle\Request\ApiParameterBag;
class ExampleApiParameterBag extends ApiParameterBag
// return the parameters you need to catch.
// It could be :
public function getFilteredType()
return array(
// return the parameters key you need to catch.
public function getFilteredKeys()
return array('firstname', 'name', 'birthdate');
Using yml, in the bundle routing.yml
file :
path: /example/api/ws-route
defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Api:ws , _api_bag: MyBundle\Api\ExampleApiParameterBag }
Or, if you prefer, using annotations, directly in the controller :
* @ApiParameters(bag="MyBundle\Api\ExampleApiParameterBag")
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function ws2Action(Request $request)
$apiParameters = $request->attributes->get('api_parameters');
return new JsonResponse($apiParameters->all());
If not yet create, add a validation.yml
file in the Resources
Add your own validation rules. Here is an example :
- Collection:
- Type:
type: string
- Type:
type: string
- Type:
type: datetime # This could be a custom constraint
allowMissingFields: true
allowExtraFields: true
Using the routing.yml
file :
path: /example/api/ws-route-validation
defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Api:ws , _api_bag:MyBundle\Api\ExampleApiParameterBag, _api_validation: true }
Or, using annotations :
* @ApiParameters(bag="MyBundle\Api\ExampleApiParameterBag", validation=true)
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function ws3Action(Request $request)
$apiParameters = $request->attributes->get('api_parameters');
return new JsonResponse($apiParameters->all());
Now, any request send to your web service will be catch and the request data will be validate before calling the controller in a way that you don't need to validate anything in the controller or in any service one the controller is called.
If datas are not valid, the bundle will return a status code 400
and an array containing an errors
key in which you will find all the errors catch by the validator component.